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We are your reliable partner for project and interim management.

Your satisfaction is our highest priority.

We guarantee you our full dedication and a competent and professional cooperation at all times.

According to our motto "measured to your needs" we focus entirely on your individual requirements.

weißer Stoff als dynamischer Hintergrund



Does your company have an opening at a management level that needs to be filled at short notice, but only for a limited period?
Is a leading position in one of your projects requiring specific skills that are not internally available or you do not want to fill the position permanently?

Consulting mtn offers your company a highly qualified executive to take over management tasks, e. g. in Human Resources, in upcoming organizational or strategic changes in your company, or in other diverse fields.  We are flexible in terms of time and location and are available for service throughout Germany as well as worldwide.

We contribute an optimal knowledge transfer by bringing our external know-how and experience into your company. Due to our independent and objective perspective we provide new ideas and open up new perspectives.

Frau mit braunen langen Haaren, schwarzem Kostüm und weißer Bluse, steht vor einem Whiteboard und präsentiert eine Grafik. Davor sitzt Natascha Sauer am Tisch, mit weißer Bluse, den Blick auf die präsentierende Frau gerichtet. Auf dem Tisch stehen aufgeklappte Laptops.

We pay special attention to constant and early communication, even in time-critical situations, and we adapt to fast-changing conditions in an agile and efficient manner to successfully achieve your planned goals.


From multi-organizational programs to small sub-projects, Consulting mtn supports you with a standardized and structured approach, while adapting to the requirements and needs of your projects.

We are flexible in location and manage your national and international projects.

In addition to the classic tasks of project management, we also take on the following tasks as required:

  • Bid Management

  • Supplier Management

  • IT outsourcing



Whether as a consultant, (multi-) project manager or executive - we draw on many years of experience in national and international business and offer a wide range of different competences. Beside managing national projects, our managers also have taken over the management of international projects. Through our worldwide activities in different positions, we have developed strong competencies in leadership of employees with varying professions, nationalities, and cultures. We continuously further skillsets through training to ensure a competent and professional service.

Über Uns


UeberUns, Foto des Teams, drei Frauen an einem Tisch. Natascha Sauer sitzt mit einem Bein an den Tisch gelehnt. Alle sind fröhlich

After many years of professional experience as an employee working around the world, Consulting mtn was founded in 2019 by Natascha Sauer, to work as a self-employed Interim and Project Manager. Since its establishment, Consulting mtn has grown into a small International team of Project and Interim Managers. We work within a blended team with a mixture of in-person, remote and virtual communication. The recognition and appreciation of each individual employee is very important to us. That is why we not only regularly provide fresh fruit baskets in our employees' homes, but also support them in personal and professional development opportunities.




To advise you individually, please send us an email with your project request, or contact us by phone.

Consulting mtn - Natascha Sauer

Münchener Straße 8c

82024 Taufkirchen, München

☏       +49 176 72380143


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